Availability Form Submission
For Indonesia Contingent by February 10th, 2020.
Availability Form Submission
For NSO’s Contingent by April, 1st, 2020
JISC Funwalk
This event will be opened for 1500 scouts and public. The main goal is to promote JISC 2020 and brings up the vibes, especially in Special Region of Yogyakarta
Complete all contingent data in the online registration system.
Technical Meeting
Technical Meeting will be held on June 12-14th, 2020 in Special Region of Yogyakarta for Indonesia Contingent’s leader. This meeting is for explaining the details of all activities, sub camp visit, and completing Administration.
Start and Re-Registration
Re-registration on July 5th, 2020 at JISC 2020 Secretariat, Rama-Shinta Camping Ground, Prambanan Temple Complex.
Opening Ceremony JISC 2020
Jogja International Scout Camp – Culture for Peace and Harmony
Closing Ceremony JISC 2020
Jogja International Scout Camp – Culture for Peace and Harmony
Last day of JISC 2020