Overview The Programs
The program developed at Jogja International Scout Camp 2020 focuses on luru ilmu (pursuing knowledge) and liru kawruh (exchanging knowledge) on culture. The program is implemented in various types of activities in order to allow participants to experience, learn, and be immersed in a variety of cultures, customs, and traditions. The activities are grouped into several categories according to the type of activity, so that participants may obtain a great array of experiences.
The Camp Activities
There are nine different types of activity in Jogja Internasional Scout Camp 2020.
General Activities, Traditional Sports, Traditional Games, Traditional Craft, Traditional Culinary, Traditional of Art Performances, Local Wisdom and Community-Based Program, Excursions, and Activities for Contingent Leaders and Adults.
- Opening Ceremony
- Prayer
- Roll-Call
- Sports
- Gathering
- Welcoming Night
- Team-Building Games
- Wirajaya Art Performance Night
- Closing Ceremony
- Gobak Sodor
Gobak Sodor is one of the traditional sport in Indonesia, especially in Java. In this sport, players are divided into 2 (two) teams, 3-5 persons each team. One team will be on the defence and the other is going to play offense. The defence teamís goal is to block anyone from the offense team that want to reach the finish line, while every member of the offense team must breakthrough to the finish line and then back into the start line. This sport will help you to train your teamwork, strategy, concentration, speed and agility. - Jemparingan
Jemparingan is a traditional archery tradition that has existed since the time of the kingdom hundreds of years ago. In ancient times, this tradition is played by noblemen and their families. However, this tradition began to be played by the common people as part of the entertainment and cultural preservation is also very valuable. Similar like archery, Jemparingan also has its equipment which is bandul (target), jemparing (arrow), and gendewo (bow). - Bakiak
Bakiak is one of the traditional sport from Java. It is made from long wood that have been shaped (like ice skates) and given a few slippers on it, usually for 3-5 people. It is usually played in groups or teams, with each team competing to get to the finish. This sport will help you to train teamwork, concentration, agility, leadership, and creativity. - Egrang
Egrang is a traditional sport from Java. It is made of bamboo which has 1,5-2 meters long and has a foothold. This sport requires body balance to play. - Pencak Silat
Pencak silat is the indigenous martial art of Indonesia. There are many hundreds of different styles (aliran) and techniques occur by reason of the wide diversity of development. Similar to many Asian martial arts an inspirational source of techniques and styles are attributed to the behavior, actions, character and attributes of animals. Practitioners copied the movements and stances of tigers, eagles, snakes, crocodiles, monkeys, scorpions, dragons, etc. Silat will help you to train concentration, agility, and creativity.
- Engklek
- Gambaran
- Benthik
- Ancak-ancak alis
- Nglarak Blarak
- Making Batik
- Tatah sungging
- Wooden Masks
- Woven Bamboo
- Silver Crafts
- Coconut Crafts
This program is focused on introducing the process of making traditional dishes, snacks, and drinks across the regencies and city in Yogyakarta Special Region.
- Snacks : Kipo, Gebleg, Gatot Thiwul, Jadah tempe/wajik, Geplak,
- Dishes : Gudeg with rice, Brown rice, Gudangan with rice, Nasi Berkat ingkung, Nasi Gurih
- Hot Drinks : Wedang Uwuh (made of a variety of traditional herbs and spices) ; Wedang Ronde (sweet rice flour ball soup with palm sugar and crushed peanuts); Wedang Secang (made of secang, a type of traditional dry herb) ; Wedang Sere (made of lemongrass) ; Wedang Jahe (made of ginger)
- Jamu (traditional herbal medicine) : Beras Kencur, Kunir Asem, Uyub-Uyub, Pahitan, Sinom
This program aims to introduce various traditional art performances in Yogyakarta Special Region as well as cultural exchanges among participants from different contingents.
- Cultural Exchange and Exhibition
- Art and Culture Performance
- Cultural Carnival
- Ramayana Ballet
- Karawitan
- Angguk
- Badui Art
- Gejog Lesung
- Kethoprak/Wayang Wong Theatrical Performance
This program consists of various local wisdom and community-based activities in regencies and city in Yogyakarta Special Region.
- Gotong Royong
- Merti Dusun
- Adat Rasulan
- Wiwit/Angler Ceremony
- Merti kali
The program provides a variety of natural, cultural, and educational excursions in regencies and city in Yogyakarta Special Region.
- Prambanan Temple
- Yogyakarta Palace
- Vredeburg Fort
- Malioboro
- Purba Nglanggeran Volcano
- Merapi Volcano and the surrounding area
- Kotagede
- Mataram Site
- Sermo Dam
- Leader meeting
- Welcome Dinner
- Cultural Discussion (on The Special Status Act)
- Cultural Workshop on Culture-Based Character Education