POSTPONE The JISC 2020 until 2021

Scout Salute

Considering the current condition in which the outbreak of Corona Virus Desease 19 (COVID-19) has spread worldwide, including in Indonesia and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, and referring to:

  1. the Central Government’s Policy through the Decree of the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency Number 13.A 2020 dated February 29, 2020, concerning the Extension of the Specific Disasters Emergency Status due to Corona Virus Disease in Indonesia until May 29, 2020;
  2. the National Scout Movement Organization Circular  Number 0093-00-G, dated March 13, 2020, on the Scout Movement Anticipating the Spread of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus Desease);
  3. the National Scout Movement Organization’s letter Number 0104-a, dated March 18, 2020, on the Termination of All Scouting activities which involve a crowd.
  4. the National Scout Movement Organization’s  Circular Number 0112-00-A, dated March 22, 2020, on the Anticipation of the Prevention of  the Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19); and
  5. the Decree of the Governor of the Yogyakarta Special Region Number 65/KEP/2020, dated 20 March 2020, on the Specific Disasters Emergency Status due to Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) of the Yogyakarta Special Region,

The Scout Movement Headquarter of the Yogyakarta Special Region with deep regret announces herewith the POSTPONEMENT of the Jogja International Scout Camp 2020 (JISC 2020) scheduled to be held on July 5-11, 2020, until next year (2021). 

Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences resulting from the aforementioned postponement. We do certainly hope that the situation will improve soon.


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