Risk management training has been carried out, namely the process of identifying, monitoring, and managing potential risks to minimize the negative impacts that may result from an activity on 8-11 March 2020 at Balai Pengembangan PAUD dan Dikmas Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region.
The JISC 2020 Risk Management Training is carried out referring to the National Council Decision set forth in the National Council Decree Number 227 of 2007 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Risk Management Policies in the Scout Movement.
The training involved 3 elements, namely Expert Staff, Instructor, and Provincial Council elements. This activity was attended by 4 representatives from each Regency Council in DIY.
The facilitators and instructors of various basic level materials related to Risk Understanding, Risk Sources, Risk Control, Procedures for Managing Risks, and Participatory Risk Studies, including various topics contained therein. No less important, in this training there was also a presentation on WOSM Safe Form Harm and Prevention Covid-19 material.
Safe from Harm is a series of actions designed to ensure that everyone involved in Scouting is responsible and committed to protecting children and young people inside or outside the Movement, so that everyone can feel safe, at any time.
There are 3 objectives of this training, namely:
This activity was attended by at least 45 participants who were elements of the organizing committee, field officers, and the Provincial Council team. (Dod)