Penulis: JISC Admin

Penundaan JISC 2020 hingga Tahun 2021

Scout Salute Considering the current condition in which the outbreak of Corona Virus Desease 19 (COVID-19) has spread worldwide, including in Indonesia and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, and referring to: the Central Government’s Policy through the Decree of the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency Number 13.A 2020 dated February 29, 2020, concerning

Pelatihan Manajemen Risiko JISC 2020

Risk management training has been carried out, namely the process of identifying, monitoring, and managing potential risks to minimize the negative impacts that may result from an activity on 8-11 March 2020 at Balai Pengembangan PAUD dan Dikmas Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region.  The JISC 2020 Risk Management Training is carried out referring to the National

Perkemahan Pramuka Pertama dan Yayasan Gerakan Kepanduan

In August 1907, Baden-Powell organized a trial scouting camp to be made up of 20 boys from a diverse selection of social backgrounds. The boys spent a week on Brownsea island and it proved to be a great success. From this initial starting point, the scouting movement soon blossomed. In 1909, there was the first

Keraton Yogyakarta

The Kraton (also spelled keraton or karaton) or the Palace of Yogyakarta, is a grand complex that was meticulously planned to reflect the Javanese cosmos. This elegant complex of pavilions was constructed based on ancient beliefs, of the connection between the God, human and the natural realms. Each feature holds a special symbolic meaning related to the Javanese worldview,

Slogan Daerah Sub Camp JISC

Not only Special Region of Yogyakarta, each Regency in Special Region of Yogyakarta also has its own slogan. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Official Account DKD DIY (@jisc2020) on Feb 6, 2020 at 6:05am PST Kota Yogyakarta : Yogya Berhati Nyaman Sleman : Sembada Gunungkidul : Handayani Bantul : Projo Taman